I bought this striking alabaster glass pokal with sterling silver overlay from a dealer a few years ago and have loved looking at it ever since. It was made in Bohemia, today the Czech Republic, in the middle of the 19th century and stands 16 inches high. Etched on the lid is “Andenken von (Souvenir of) G.W. 1851”. If anyone knows what G.W. stands for, please let me know.
Over 150 years ago, a well constructed pewter replacement base was added by a skilled metalsmith after the original glass base broke off. The muted pewter tones compliment the tarnished silver decoration on the pokal.

Tags: German, glass, metal base, pewter
Oh! My Gosh!!! Your heart must have been all a twitter when you spotted that beauty!!! It is gorgeous, and, of course, all the more interesting with the repair!! Love it! Love you!
Thanks Carol!