When I first saw this 18th century German Milch glass mug, I though that the hand painted scene of a distinguished gentleman and lovely lady fabric shopping was quaint.

Then it dawned on me that they would have been a contemporary couple, wearing outfits from when the mug was made.

So, imagine that if a mug was made today showing a contemporary couple shopping for fabric, the image would look something like this…

Right?! Now, you may wonder why this mug is even included here. Well, if you turn the mug around…

…you will find 16 metal staples holding the broken pieces together. As if drilling into delicate porcelain isn’t impressive enough, stapled glass is just mind boggling, don’t you think?

Tags: German, glass, staples/rivets
What a wonderful post! Aside from the amazingly difficult repair to glass(!), the mug is such a great document to illustrate 18th century consumerism and retail trade. And look at that wonderful counter with the drawers (on bun feet)!
Thank you Leslie! and Joanne?