Look what I’ve stumbled upon at one of my favorite museums in London…quite a bit of ceramics, even some with early repairs, and a wonderful exhibit by ceramic artist extraordinaire Bouke de Vries.

Look what I’ve stumbled upon at one of my favorite museums in London…quite a bit of ceramics, even some with early repairs, and a wonderful exhibit by ceramic artist extraordinaire Bouke de Vries.
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Antiques with inventive repairs (also known as "make-do" repairs) are unique examples of necessity and thrift, made during a time before Krazy Glue was invented. Unlike today where we discard anything chipped or cracked, broken household items were repaired at home or taken to a metalsmith to be brought back to life, often with whimsical results. Once regarded merely as damaged goods by antiques dealers and collectors alike, antiques with inventive repairs are justly receiving the respect they deserve.
I am a film set decorator, author, and interior designer, with a passion for antiques and collecting. Please visit my website to see examples of my work:
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